How long have you been attending services here?
I have been a member of Heavenly Rest since 1990, so that is 30 years.
Are you a life-long Episcopalian?
I am not a life-long Episcopalian.
What is your previous church experience, if any?
I was raised Baptist and confirmed at Heavenly Rest in 1990.
How did you find Heavenly Rest?
I found Heavenly Rest through my wife Angela Hamil- Willis.
What would you want to tell others about Heavenly Rest to encourage them to come and explore our parish?
The liturgy and the music and the steadfastness of a denomination that been around for such a long time. Secure foundation in religion is a comfort and brings peace.
Tell us a little bit about yourself outside of Heavenly Rest – your job, your family, your hobbies.
I am semi-retired. I retired from the pharma industry after 30 years. I am now a real estate agent and investor. My wife, Angela, and I work together on these projects. I have two children, Allison and Parker, and one grandchild, Landrie. I have served on the Vestry three separate times and now as Junior Warden. I have served as Senior Warden in the past. I've served as an usher for almost 30 years, a member of the sound team, an oblation bearer, and have been a lay eucharistic visitor in the past. My hobbies are my family.